
Friday, March 16, 2012


I heard him desperately shout my name, calling for me.

I heard a sob coming out from his throat. It was the first time I ever heard him sound like that and I hoped it would be the last. His voice was beautiful. It always has been beautiful.

But the last words we had weren’t beautiful at all.

My heart raced. It was pounding inside me, threatening to rip my chest and go to him. I wanted to go to him. But my feet had other plans as I ran to the streets. I glanced back at him, swearing this would be the last time I ever dared to look at his face.

But it’s always the same.

The face I want to know. The face I want to see. The hair which my fingers ran over  more than once. The eyes that I’ve always been longing to look at and has looked at me. The lips I know I have kissed. The mouth that has caused my pain right now. It’s always the same.

It’s empty silhouette with no defined features. A shape of guy filled entirely in jet black.  

I hear screams of terror before I hear the cracking sounds.

Everything is out of control. Every color has collided and is turning grey. The air has become thick, dense, and heavy. It feels as if I lost my breath. I don’t know why all this is happening.  
Then, the world has gone black with the last word I hear from him is my name.

My eyes suddenly fluttered open. For a second, I thought fantasy had mixed with reality, for everywhere around me was pure darkness. But as I blinked back and forth, I could see a stream of light making its way to the edge of my bed. I faced my sides and felt relieved to see the embossed outline of my alarm clock. 

Shoot. Alarm. Forgot. Late. 

Immediately, I sat up and kicked the covers to the floor. I didn't care about caution as I hastily made my way to prepare for a new, boring school day. 
The dream. His face.  It would all have to be later. 
And if I do forget, he'll always be there every  night on my head to remind me. 

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